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  • andreas

    Glenn Greenwald: 'No Place to Hide'

    Greenwald wrote a book, after he had a look at 'Up-yours' briefcase stash.


    Book is available for (free) download as ebook (18.6MB) or audio (270MB, narrated by L.J. Ganser, some 10h talk) from FrostWire, if anybody is interested.





    - Introduction

    - Contact

    - Ten Days In Hong Kong

    - Collect It All

    - The Harm Of Surveillance

    - The Fourth Estate

    - Epilogue

    9 years agoin Arts & Entertainment-All
    Answers(5) Comments(0)
  • mesavo
    You should edit your version info... the audio is 270MB, the book is 9mb (epub).
    9 years ago
  • terene
    I thought this book would be absorbent. But i needed more than 15 pages. but then again i had a curry last night. a crackpot reads a crackpot
    9 years ago
  • hansome

    EU times is not a news site. It's just a site that makes stupid unsupported claims which people who already believe what they saying like to use as proof of their own unsupported beliefs.

    andreas is a fucking crumb bum. Someone who cannot compete in the world and don't understand it's because he's a fussy little dipshit who complains to SAFEA because a school charged him to remove his trash from his apartment which he apparently trashed! (i'm not looking it up but I swear it was something like that)

    I mean I feel bad because he cannot possibly be a happy person. But i REALLY fucking resent his joy over news like this which if true would mean the death of us all. The death of us all. Remember that, this person wants the death of us all.

    But hey! then our achievements would be meaningless! A massive war destroying the system that laid the golden goose would mean we're all on the same level as...icnif! which is why he roots for it!

    9 years ago
  • mungur

    why do you want the system to collapse?

    I think you're kind of a bum. Do you want everybody else to be too?

    9 years ago
  • umerl

    Instead of hearing tiny winny bits and pieces of the Snowden story over the news which basically said nothing except he was here, then there, got many in the American government mad by exposing something called the prism , it is good to hear it from Greenward, all the way from how he was contacted by Snowden, ignored his emails as he was busy doing other things at the time, and Snowden wouldn't divulge anything because he wasn't using a secure email system, and suspicious it could be fales info (an entrapment) to jumping on the plane to Hong Kong to meet Snowden.

    The story is thought provoking. It is things like this that make America the envy of many in countries like China and North Korea. Gosh, there are people who dare DO things that are obviously against the government and not only that, not for money or face (in fact say bye bye to both right away)! To the rest, Snowden must be crazy, how on earth can any human being NOT do things for money or face. It probably will take them another eon to figure that out. smiley

    9 years ago

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